
Funlisp is simply a static library. The ‘fun’ part comes when it is linked with a program that can make creative use of a scripting language. Funlisp comes with some useful example programs - a REPL (read-eval-print loop) and a script runner. In this section, we’ll go over some basic concepts of funlisp, describe the implementation of these tools, and then go into how your program can integrate with the library.

Basic Components

To use the lisp interpreter, there are a few basic concepts to understand.

The interpreter has a lisp_runtime object associated with it. It holds all sorts of contextual information about the interpreter, especially having to do with garbage collection. You need to have an instance of a runtime in order use most of the rest of the library. You can create a runtime with lisp_runtime_new() and once initialized, you must destroy it with lisp_destroy().


Destroying a runtime also ends up garbage collecting all language objects created within that runtime, so if you want to access language objects, do it before destroying the runtime.

In order to run any code, you will need to have a global lisp_scope. This object binds names to funlisp values, including several of the critical built in functions and constructs of the language. You can use the function lisp_new_default_scope() to create a scope containing all the default language constructs (these are pretty important). If you ever need a new, empty scope, you can create it with lisp_new_empty_scope().

Objects contained within the scope (and in fact, the scope itself) are all of type lisp_value - aka a funlisp object. This means they all share some common fields at their head, they all support some common operations (such as printing), and they are all managed by the garbage collector. So, you won’t need to manually free a scope. Instead, use the garbage collector.

Speaking of this garbage collector, how does it work? Funlisp uses a mark and sweep garbage collector. This means that every so often the application must pause the program, mark all reachable language objects, and free everything that is unreachable. To do this, you need a “root set” of objects, which is typically your global scope. You should call lisp_mark() on this root set, followed by lisp_sweep() on the runtime to free up all objects associated with your runtime, which are not reachable from your root set.


The garbage collector can make it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. It has no qualms with freeing a lisp_value that you’ll be using on the very next line of code. So be sure to explicitly mark not only the objects that your scripts will need (this is usually just the scope), but also the objects that your C code would like to access, when you run the GC.


With this knowledge, a REPL is pretty easy to make! Here is an outline of the steps:

  1. First, create a language runtime and a global scope.
  2. Read a line of input.
  3. Parse the input. Parsed code is simply a lisp_value like any other language object.
  4. Evaluate the input within the global scope.
  5. If an error occurred, print it and continue. If nothing of interest is returned, do nothing. Otherwise, print the output, and a trailing newline.
  6. Mark everything in scope, then sweep unreachable objects.
  7. Repeat steps 2-7 for each line of input.
  8. Destroy the language runtime to finish cleaning up memory.

Here is some basic code that demonstrates embedding a simple lisp interpreter, without any custom functions. It uses the editline implementation of the readline library for reading input (and allowing line editing).

 * repl.c: very basic read-eval-print loop
 * Stephen Brennan <stephen@brennan.io>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "funlisp.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char input[256];
	lisp_runtime *rt = lisp_runtime_new();
	lisp_scope *scope = lisp_new_default_scope(rt);

	(void)argc; /* unused parameters */

	for (;;) {
		lisp_value *value, *result;
		int bytes;

		printf("> ");
		if (!fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin))

		bytes = lisp_parse_value(rt, input, 0, &value);
		if (bytes < 0) {
			/* parse error */
			lisp_print_error(rt, stderr);
		} else if (!value) {
			/* empty line */
		result = lisp_eval(rt, scope, value);
		if (!result) {
			lisp_print_error(rt, stderr);
		} else if (!lisp_nil_p(result)) {
			lisp_print(stdout, result);
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");
		lisp_mark(rt, (lisp_value*)scope);

	return 0;

Notice here that lisp_eval() returns NULL in case of an error. If that happens, then you can use lisp_print_error() to print a user-facing error message, and lisp_clear_error() to clear the error from the interpreter state.

The Script Runner

Running a script is a slightly different story. Scripts generally define functions, including a main function, and then want to be executed with some command line arguments. So after reading and executing all the lines of code in a file, you’ll want to execute the main function. We can use a nice utility for that, lisp_run_main_if_exists(). What’s more, the lisp_parse() function used in the REPL can only parse a single expression. We have to use a more powerful option that can handle a whole file full of multiple expressions: lisp_load_file().

Below is the source of the bundled script runner:

 * runfile.c: Run a text file containing lisp code
 * Stephen Brennan <stephen@brennan.io>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "funlisp.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	FILE *input;
	lisp_runtime *rt;
	lisp_scope *scope;
	lisp_value *result;
	int rv;

	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: expected at least one argument\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	if (!input) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	rt = lisp_runtime_new();
	scope = lisp_new_default_scope(rt);

	lisp_load_file(rt, scope, input);
	if (lisp_get_error(rt)) {
		lisp_print_error(rt, stderr);
		rv = 1;
		goto out;

	result = lisp_run_main_if_exists(rt, scope, argc - 2, argv + 2);
	if (!result) {
		lisp_print_error(rt, stderr);
		rv = 1;
	} else {
		rv = 0;
	lisp_runtime_free(rt); /* sweeps everything before exit */
	return rv;

Calling C Functions From Lisp

Typically, an embedded interpreter will not be of much use to your application unless you can call into your application, or your application can call into the interpreter. The most straightforward way to add your own functionality to the interpreter is by writing a “builtin” - a C function callable from lisp. Builtins must have the following signature:

lisp_value *lisp_builtin_somename(lisp_runtime *rt,
                                  lisp_scope *scope,
                                  lisp_value *arglist,
                                  void *user);

The scope argument contains the current binding of names to values, and the arglist is a list of arguments to your function, which have not been evaluated. These arguments are essentially code objects. You’ll almost always want to evaluate them all before continuing with the logic of the function. You can do this individually with the lisp_eval() function, or just evaluate the whole list of arguments with the lisp_eval_list() function.


As we’ve noticed in the previous example programs, evaluating code can return NULL if an error (e.g. an exception of some sort) occurs. A well-behaved builtin will test the result of all calls to lisp_eval() and lisp_call() using the macro lisp_error_check() in order to propagate those errors back to the user. lisp_eval_list() propagates errors back, and so it should be error checked as well.

The one exception to evaluating all of your arguments is if you’re defining some sort of syntactic construct. An example of this is the if-statement. The if statement looks like (if condition expr-if-true expr-if-false). It is implemented as a builtin function, which first evaluates the condition. Then, only the correct expression is evaluated based on that condition.

Finally, when you have your argument list, you could verify them all manually, but this process gets annoying very fast. To simplify this process, there is lisp_get_args(), a function which takes a list of (evaluated or unevaluated) arguments and a format string, along with a list of pointers to result variables. Similar to sscanf(), it reads a type code from the format string and attempts to take the next object off of the list, verify the type, and assign it to the current variable in the list. The current format string characters are:

  • d: for integer
  • l: for list
  • s: for symbol
  • S: for string
  • o: for scope
  • b: for builtin
  • t: for type
  • *: for anything

So, a format string for the plus function would be "dd", and the format string for the cons function is "**", because any two things may be put together in an s-expression. If nothing else, the lisp_get_args() function can help you verify the number of arguments, if not their types. When it fails, it returns false. It sets an internal interpreter error depending on what happened (too many arguments, not enough, types didn’t matche, etc). You can handle this by simply returning NULL from your builtin. If argument parsing doesn’t fail, your function is free to do whatever logic you’d like.

Finally, note that the signature includes a void *user parameter. This “user context” is specified when you register the builtin function, and passed back to you at runtime.

Basics of Lisp Types

In order to write any interesting functions, you need a basic idea of how types are represented and how you can get argument values out of the lisp_value objects. This is not a description of the type system (a future page in this section will cover that), just a list of available types and their values.


Currently, the structs defining these types are not in the public header file, funlisp.h. We’re still working on the best way to expose types to the API.

The current types (that you are likely to use) are:

  • lisp_list: contains a left and a right pointer.
    • left is usually a value of the linked list, and right is usually the next list in the linked list. However this isn’t necessarily the case, because this object really represents an s-expression, and the right value of an s-expression doesn’t have to be another s-expression.
    • The empty list is a special instance of lisp_list. You can get a new reference to it with lisp_nil_new() and you can check if an object is nil by calling lisp_nil_p().
    • You can find the length of a list by using lisp_list_length().
  • lisp_symbol: type that represents names. Contains sym, which is a char*.
  • lisp_integer: contains attribute x, an integer. Yes, it’s allocated on the heap. Get over it.
  • lisp_string: another thing similar to a symbol in implementation, but this time it represents a language string literal. The s attribute holds the string value.

There are also types for builtin functions, lambdas, scopes, and even a type for types! But you probably won’t use them in your average code.

Adding Builtins to the Scope

Once you have written your functions, you must finally add them to the interpreter’s global scope. Anything can be added to a scope with lisp_scope_bind()., but the name needs to be a lisp_symbol instance and the value needs to be a lisp_value. To save you the trouble of creating those objects, you can simply use lisp_scope_add_builtin(), which takes a scope, a string name, a function pointer, and a user context pointer.

Here is a code example that puts all of this together, based on the REPL given above.

 * hello_repl.c: very basic read-eval-print loop, with builtins
 * Stephen Brennan <stephen@brennan.io>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "funlisp.h"

/* (1) Here is our builtin function declaration. */
static lisp_value *say_hello(lisp_runtime *rt, lisp_scope *scope,
                             lisp_list *arglist, void *user)
	char *from = user;
	lisp_string *s;
	(void) scope; /* unused */

	if (!lisp_get_args(rt, arglist, "S", &s)) {
		return NULL;

	printf("Hello, %s! I'm %s.\n", lisp_string_get(s), from);

	/* must return something, so return nil */
	return lisp_nil_new(rt);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char input[256];
	lisp_runtime *rt = lisp_runtime_new();
	lisp_scope *scope = lisp_new_default_scope(rt);

	(void)argc; /* unused parameters */

	/* (2) Here we register the builtin once */
	lisp_scope_add_builtin(rt, scope, "hello", say_hello, "a computer", 1);
	/* (3) Now register the same function with a different context object */
	lisp_scope_add_builtin(rt, scope, "hello_from_stephen", say_hello, "Stephen", 1);

	for (;;) {
		lisp_value *value, *result;
		int bytes;

		printf("> ");
		if (!fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin))

		bytes = lisp_parse_value(rt, input, 0, &value);
		if (bytes < 0) {
			/* parse error */
			lisp_print_error(rt, stderr);
		} else if (!value) {
			/* empty line */
		result = lisp_eval(rt, scope, value);
		if (!result) {
			lisp_print_error(rt, stderr);
		} else if (!lisp_nil_p(result)) {
			lisp_print(stdout, result);
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");
		lisp_mark(rt, (lisp_value*)scope);

	return 0;

In this example, we’ve added a builtin function, defined at (1). This function takes a string, and prints a greeting message. It uses its “user context” object as a string, to introduce itself. During startup, we register the builtin function once, with name “hello” (2). We provide it with a user context of “a computer.” We register it again at (3), with the name “hello_from_stephen”, and the user context “Stephen.”

An example session using the builtin shows how the functions may be called from the REPL, and how the user context objects affect the builtin:

> (hello "Stephen")
Hello, Stephen! I'm a computer.
> (hello_from_stephen "computer")
Hello, computer! I'm Stephen.
> (hello 1)
error: expected a string!
> (hello 'Stephen)
error: expected a string!

Calling Lisp Functions From C

Just like it’s possible to call C from lisp, you can call lisp from C. You’ve already seen plenty of examples of this, in the runfile tool. The runfile tool uses a helper function called run_main_if_exists(), but here’s how it works.

  1. First, you need to have a runtime and scope. If you’re working in a builtin, you may have been given one. Otherwise, you’ll probably have to create a default scope, and probably load in some user code too.
  2. Second, you need to look up the function you want to call. Typically, you’ll look it up in your scope using lisp_scope_lookup().
  3. Third, you need to build your arguments. Arguments are always a list of un-evaluated values. Since the lisp function will evaluate its arguments, you need to make sure they will end up being what you intended. For example, evaluating a list will result in calling the first item with the rest of the items as arguments. A fool proof way of ensuring that your data makes it thruogh unscathed is to quote it using lisp_quote().
  4. Fourth, you should use lisp_call() to call the function with your arguments.

Here’s a full example!

 * call_lisp.c: example demonstrating how to call lisp functions from C
 * Stephen Brennan <stephen@brennan.io>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "funlisp.h"

int call_double_or_square(lisp_runtime *rt, lisp_scope *scope, int x)
	int rv;
	lisp_list *args;
	lisp_value *res;
	lisp_value *function = lisp_scope_lookup_string(rt, scope,
	assert(function != NULL);

	args = lisp_list_new(rt,
		(lisp_value *) lisp_integer_new(rt, x),
		(lisp_value *) lisp_nil_new(rt));
	res = lisp_call(rt, scope, function, args);
	assert(lisp_is(res, type_integer));
	rv = lisp_integer_get((lisp_integer *) res);
	printf("(double_or_square %d) = %d\n", x, rv);
	return rv;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	lisp_runtime *rt;
	lisp_scope *scope;
	lisp_value *code;
	int bytes;

	(void) argc; /* unused parameters */
	(void) argv;

	rt = lisp_runtime_new();
	scope = lisp_new_default_scope(rt);
	bytes = lisp_parse_value(rt,
		"(define double_or_square"
		"  (lambda (x)"
		"    (if (< x 10)"
		"      (* x x)"
		"      (* x 2))))",
		0, &code
	assert(bytes >= 0);
	lisp_eval(rt, scope, code);

	call_double_or_square(rt, scope, 5);
	call_double_or_square(rt, scope, 7);
	call_double_or_square(rt, scope, 9);
	call_double_or_square(rt, scope, 11);
	call_double_or_square(rt, scope, 13);

	return 0;

A few things to note about this:

  • We wrapped the lisp function in a C one. This is nice for getting rid of some complexity.
  • There was no need to quote the integer, because integers evaluate to themselves.
  • We had to build the argument list from scratch :(

This program produces exactly the output you’d expect:

$ bin/call_lisp
(double_or_square 5) = 25
(double_or_square 7) = 49
(double_or_square 9) = 81
(double_or_square 11) = 22
(double_or_square 13) = 26

User Contexts

Usually, an application will want to have access to some of its own data. To that end, the embedding application may associate a “user context” with the lisp_runtime using lisp_runtime_set_ctx(). This context may be some global state, etc. Later (e.g. within a builtin function), the context may be retrieved with lisp_runtime_get_ctx().

Furthermore, each builtin function may associate itself with a user context object as well (provided upon registration). This allows the same C function to be registered multiple times as multiple Funlisp functions. It also allows the C function to access additional context, which it may not have been able to get through the context object attached to the runtime.

Building Lists

Many parts of the funlisp API require constructing lists. As has been mentioned earlier, funlisp “list” types are singly linked lists. Each node’s left pointer points to the data contained by the node, and the right pointer points to the next node in the list. nil, returned by lisp_nil_new(), is the empty list, and every list is terminated by it.

You have several options available to you for constructing lists. First is lisp_list_new(), which allows you to create a new list given a left and a right pointer. This may be used for constructing single list nodes. It may also be used to construct a list in reverse, starting with the last node and continuing to the first one. You may also directly set the left and right pointer of a list node, using lisp_list_set_left() and lisp_list_set_right() respectively.


Note that lisp lists are not mutable. In Lisp, any modification to list results in a new one. Thus, you should never modify list nodes, unless you have just created them yourself and are constructing a full list.

Also note that lisp lists’ left and right pointers should never contain null – this will certainly cause a segmentation fault when they are used. However, you can set these pointers to null during the construction of a list, so long as the end result is a valid list with no nulls.

The simplest option is lisp_list_append(). This function allows you to construct a list forwards (rather than reverse). It requires double pointers to the head and tail of the list (where tail is the last non-nil item in the list). See the generated documentation for full information, but below is a fully working example of using it:

 * example_list_append.c: example demonstrating how to append to a list
 * Stephen Brennan <stephen@brennan.io>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "funlisp.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	lisp_runtime *rt;
	lisp_list *head, *tail;

	(void) argc; /* unused parameters */
	(void) argv;

	rt = lisp_runtime_new();

	head = tail = (lisp_list*) lisp_nil_new(rt);
	lisp_list_append(rt, &head, &tail, (lisp_value*)lisp_integer_new(rt, 1));
	lisp_list_append(rt, &head, &tail, (lisp_value*)lisp_integer_new(rt, 2));
	lisp_list_append(rt, &head, &tail, (lisp_value*)lisp_integer_new(rt, 3));
	lisp_print(stdout, (lisp_value*)head);
	fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	return 0;

Finally, there are a few specialized options for constructing lists. lisp_singleton_list() allows you to construct a list with one item. lisp_list_of_strings() is useful for converting the argv and argc of a C main function into program arguments for a funlisp program.

Advanced Topics

From here, you should be equipped to get a fair amount out of funlisp. If you’re looking for more, check the source code! In the future, I hope to write some documentation on implementation concepts to make this easier.